Omladinski centar Kakanj: 03.12.2015., workshop for pupils 6tgh grade Elementary school „Hamdija Kreševljaković“ Kakanj
Trainer: Naida Bukvić
Objective: to help participants see the difference between expectations that the modern society puts before boys and girls. The workshop is designed so as to enable participants to further explore the gender concept.
15 participants actively questioned differences between expectations and demands that are put before boys and girls, expressed desire for change and discussed how they thought the change could come about.
Radionice je realizovana u okviru projekta UG „Alternative“ Kakanj: „Kreativni centar – mjesto prevencije rodno zasnovanog nasilja“ podržanog sredstvima IN – Fondacije – Fondacija za unapređenje socijalne inkluzije mladih u BiH