A creative workshop was held in the Youth center Kakanj in which children age 6-12 marked the International children´s rights day – 20 November 2015.
Objective of the workshop was to mark the International children´s rights day and improve their knowledge on children´s rights and understanding of differences between rights and wishes.
Children had the task to write on paper clouds (small pieces of paper which can be carried by wind) those rights which they were aware of. Upon completion of the exercise they had to separate rights and wishes and stick them to the panel. Discussion then followed on obligations and responsibilities.
Workshop facilitators Naida Bukvić and Maksuma Topalović talked with children about who they thought had to secure them their rights.
At the end, in an entertaining exercise children drew treetops and made from clay fruits, branches and leaves. The trunks were made of rolls of toilet paper.
Educational and entertaining workshop with which we marked the International children´s rights day was financed by the cantonal Ministry of education, science, culture and sport of Ze-do canton.