Youth Center, 2/27/2015. The first exhibition of items redesigned with decoupage technique in Kakanj. The exhibition was organized within activities of the Civil society´s resource center that is coordinated…
U Omladinskom centru Kakanj dana 24.02. 2015. održana je radionice za predstavnike učeničkih vijeća srednjih škola u Kaknju na temu: Kako se nositi sa stresom i emocijama. Radionica je organizirana…
The workshop titled „How to deal with stress and emotions“ was held for representatives of high school's students' councils in the Youth Center Kakanj on 24.02. 2015. The workshop was…
Kakanj, 14.2.2015. Nižu se jedna za drugom radionice za djecu u Omladinskom centra Kakanj, jačaju prijateljstva, usvajaju vještine timskog rada, obogaćuju znanja. O današnjoj temi: "Zdrava ishrana" djeca su svoje…
Kakanj, 14.2.2015. Workshops in the Youth Center Kakanj are coming one after another, friendships are made, team work skills are gained, and knowledge is expanded. Children demonstrated with drawings and…
Na današnjoj kreativnoj radionici za djecu (7.2.2015.) učesnici su radili u malim grupama formiranim prema datumima rođenja u 4 godišnja doba. Zamisao je da uz timski rad pripreme pano -…
At today's creative workshop for children (7.2.2015.) participants worked in small groups which were formed based on birth datum and each group represented one season. The idea is for participants…